Top 5 Books required for IIT JEE Preparation
Recommend books which will boast your IIT JEE preparation and take it further to the next level. This blog will ace your learning mythology.
August 20, 2021

Best Books for IIT JEE (Main & Advanced) and Other Engineering Exam Preparation
There are thousands of books available in the market to select from and most books contain more words than one will ever need for the test. With so many choices out there and abundance of opportunity can also be too much of a good thing. In this scenario selecting a book which nails overall preparation for the exam is always a critical mess. Now the question lies ‘how to decide which one to pick up and how does a willing student sift through the stacks to find the book that is right for them? Far too many people allow their reading to be guided by bestseller lists but we need to ensure that we select good books which emphasize on higher level learning. One way of narrowing your reading options is by considering its quality content which increases the chances to imbibe the in-depth knowledge of topics while attempting ingenious problems of various Subjects.
JEE exam is all about how amiable you are with PCM. Most of the JEE Syllabus is based on NCERT pattern but the exams asked intense coherent questions and were unique since the JEE exam inception. Some books makes you think out of the box and go to certain level where practical usage of that particular topic comes into existence.
Below are the some books recommended and listed subjects wise:
IIT JEE Physics
It is one among the best resources when preparing for competitive exams .HC Verma Volume 1 comprises of topics as per class 11 physics syllabus while Volume 2 covers the Year 12 Topics. Besides covering all topics related to JEE syllabus, it has a number of solved and unsolved problems for students. Numerical exercises also specifically designed to aid the understanding of concepts by students.
IE Irodov Physics is a good book for solving Physics numerals. It includes good conceptual questions with a variety covering every topic. However, this book is recommended for JEE Advanced only and it will definitely increase your depth in knowledge.
Highly recommended and one of the best books to strengthen theory and concepts. Each chapter contains a description for physics principles. It is well supported by mathematical derivations of equation, description of laboratory experiments, historical backgrounds, etc followed by solved examples.
- IIT-JEE Physics by DC Pandey
The book consists of both theory and numerical parts with solved examples and various practice questions that cover all the important concepts. However, the main focus of this book is on the numerical side thus students get a wide range of problems to practice from. Further, this book contains different difficulty levels of problems in every chapter. Basically this book is recommended for JEE Mains.
- Physics Galaxy by Ashish Arora
The aim of the book is to develop practical skills during the study of physics. A special feature of this book is the extensive use of handwritten diagrams and drawings. The graphics not only help in a better understanding of the problems and solutions but also triggers alternate thinking. The book is recommended for physics lovers as its application for solving the problem is completely out of box as the traditional pedagogy. This book targets the students who want to indulge themselves to solve pulley questions of Mechanics & other topics of optics.
IIT JEE Chemistry
It is the best book available for physical and inorganic chemistry. The chapters are elaborate and explained simply with easy language. It provides in-depth knowledge of important chemical reactions followed with many solved and unsolved questions for practice.
To help students solve chemical problems quickly and easily, RC Mukherjee Chemistry book introduces the concept of mole. In the book numerical are well explained, also mathematical reasoning is done with clear defined rules and equations which made it easy to understand and remember. The problems covered are from all branches of Chemistry leveling 10+2 & JEE MAIN.
- Numerical chemistry By P. Bahadur
It is a good guide to help students solving numerical problems of chemistry and didn’t consist theory at all. The set of problems in the book are exhaustive and available from state level engineering entrance exams to JEE for each chapter.
Organic Chemistry
- Morrison Organic Chemistry
Morrison and Boyd is quite good for JEE preparation, Even the complex things have been simplified in such a manner that they seem intuitive at the end of the chapter. The colored photographs throughout the book make it an interesting read.
- Organic Chemistry by IL Finar (Vol 1 & 2)
A very interesting book to go with and is worth reading. Students will find this book highly useful for clearing any doubts related to Organic Reaction (Mechanism). Vol 1 helps students to form a firm base in Organic Chemistry, study the properties of organic materials and understand their structure and reactions, Stereochemistry or 3D Chemistry. Vol 2 helps understand the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules and how it affects the physical and chemical properties of substances.
IIT JEE Mathematics
The book is quite interesting and challenging. Hall and Knight Algebra include lots of solved and unsolved examples which offer excellent practice especially to master Algebra and Probability while preparing for competitive exams & JEE MAIN. Hall and Knight have explained all concepts logically in their book.
- A Problem Book in MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS by G N Berman
This book presents a collection of problems and exercises that are systematically selected and arranged in compliance with the major sections of the course in mathematical analysis. This book does not contain any theoretical content but large number of problems for the purpose of thorough practice of the various concepts covered under the sphere of mathematical analysis.
Both of books help you learn all the concepts faster and more efficiently. Continuous practice of the S.L. Loney will speed up your problem-solving skills which is necessary for appearing in all the competitive exams like JEE MAIN.
- Integral & Differential Calculus by Amit.M.Agarwal
The high level questions are not beyond the JEE paper's or above the advanced level, instead they help in widening the horizon to think and hence give a good grasp on the concepts of math’s. This book is under Arahant publications and other book by the same writer also help in JEE Advanced preparation like Skills in Mathematics known as Play with Graph , Algebra , Vector & 3 D Geometry etc.
- Problems in CALCULUS OF ONE VARIABLE by I.A. Maron
The theory is explained in brief and precise manner. There are solved examples which are explained in detail and a lot of unsolved questions too. All the chapters are arranged in a systematic way. This book will help you gaining mastery over calculus if going through the book thoroughly.