Subject Wise Overview of JEE Important Topics
There is no magical formula for success in JEE. All you need is strategic preparation along with hard work which can be your path to success. So here’s a blog to enlighten you with the subject-wise overview of JEE important topics to beat the exam.
November 01, 2021

Career Expert & Blogger

JEE will be conducted as a computer test, unlike the previous paper pen test. This exam is a major stepping stone for the aspirants' admissions into the top IIT institutions in the country. Only those aspirants who qualify for the JEE Mains test will be eligible to attend the JEE Advanced test. Only then will they qualify for getting admission to the Institute of Technology (IITs).
Most important topics in JEE Syllabus: The NTA's prescribed syllabus for JEE is vast. After thorough research, we've prepared a list of the most important topics from the syllabus of JEE Mains. The candidates should also refer to the previous years' JEE Main question papers to check which topics are important and occupy the maximum weightage.
Subject Wise Important Topics to cover for JEE
Physics: The branch of science which deals with motion, energy, force, gravitation, etc. covers a big part within the JEE Main paper. It needs an in-depth studying of the concepts and theories. Class 11th syllabus thus stands tall in terms of strengthening the bottom of scholars preparing for JEE Mains. Chapters that require more attention are:
Kinematics: topics like motion during a line, speed and time, motion time graph, scalar, vectors, uniformly accelerated motion, etc.
Rotational Motion: The sub-topics just like the centre of mass of the two-particle system, torque, angular motion, radius of gyration, etc. need detail studying.
Thermodynamics: It includes topics like equilibrium, laws of thermodynamics, Carnot energy, and its efficiency, etc.
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism: the theories like Biot- Savart Law, Ampere law, cyclotron, a force on a current-carrying conductor during a uniform magnetic flux, current loop as a dipole, etc.
Optics: A JEE Main aspirant has got to practice and grasp the concepts like reflection and refraction of sunshine at a plane and spherical surface, lens formula, deviation and derivation of sunshine by a prism, etc.
Chemistry: With reference to Chemistry, the topics are divided into physical, organic, and inorganic sections. The important chapters needed to revise are:
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: This topic covers matters like Iconic and covalent bonding, quantum mechanical approach to covalent bonding, molecular orbit theory, and ionic equilibrium.
Gaseous State: It includes topics like Boyle’s law, Charles Law, Dalton’s Law of partial pressure, kinetic theory of gases of gas, etc.
Redox Reaction and Chemical Chemistry: Topics like electronic concepts of oxidation and reduction, redox reaction, electrolytic and metallic conduction, electrochemical cells, emf of galvanic cells, etc. are asked within the exam.
General chemistry: Topics like nomenclature, hydrocarbons, compounds with halogen, oxygen, nitrogen, polymers, and biomolecules are a part of the JEE questions. A number of the crucial topics are elements and periodicity, isolation of metals, hydrogen, block elements, coordination compounds, and environmental chemistry.
Maths: Maths are often considered the toughest yet scoring section of JEE Main examination. Some portions needing extra preparation are:
Complex Number and Quadratic Equations: Questions associated with complex numbers, quadratic equations, theorem, and formulas are usually asked. a number of the critical topics associated with it are complex numbers within the sort of a+ib, argand diagram, modulus and argument of complex numbers, triangle inequality, roots, and co-efficient, etc.
Matrices and Determinants: This section carries topics like matrices, determinants and matrices, adjoint and evaluation of inverse and square matrices and elementary transformations, etc.
Sequences and Series: This section includes arithmetic and progression, the relation between A.M and G.M, sum up to n terms of special series sn, sn2, and sn3, etc.
Integral Calculus: It includes sub-topics like integral as an anti-derivative, fundamental integral regarding algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithm, evaluation of defined integrals, etc.
Mathematical Reasoning: Topics like statements, logic operation, understanding of tautology, converse, contrapositive, parallel and perpendicular axis, etc. are a neighbourhood of it.
Best Books for JEE Main Preparation: The top scorers say that the NCERT textbooks, which the students have studied from at the school level are the most adequate preparation books to ace JEE examination. However, additional reference books are still sought because they have more examples, detailed descriptions of difficult concepts, and most importantly, test questions to put acquired knowledge to practice.
RS Agarwal for Mathematics
RD Sharma's Mathematics Books
Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry by SL Loney
Concepts of Physics by HC Verma
Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
OP Tandon's Organic Chemistry
JD Lee's Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry by P. Bahadur
JEE Preparation Tips
Have a study and preparation plan for yourself and see that you stick to it at your maximum.
The syllabus of JEE advanced test must be very well known to the aspirants. By familiarising themselves with the syllabus topics the aspirants will get a bird's eye view on how to prepare with the topics.
“Practice makes a man perfect”. Make practice a habit and do regular mock tests and practice sessions. This will help you in a great way to assess your strengths and work hard on your defects.
Last but not the least, time is the best thing that must be managed at apt amounts. In addition to the preparation, candidates must make sure that they take in a good amount of diet and remain energized always.
How Can CoachingSelect Help You In JEE Mains 2021?
CoachingSelect JEE Main Mock Test series helps you know the current exam trend, marking scheme, etc. The detailed solutions and insights on how you have performed in the test will also be provided with Advanced Feedback Analysis.
Note that rigorous practice of questions from JEE Main important chapters alone cannot guarantee a high score. You must focus on the JEE Main concepts as well. Otherwise, there will be chances of you losing marks.
CoachingSelect also provide free study material for JEE Aspirants and keeps track of your performance when you take JEE Main online tests.
These practice packs make it easier for you to narrow down your scope for study by identifying your weak concepts from the JEE Main Important Chapters and providing the right questions you need to practice.