How to Overcome Your Fear of Driving
As exciting as driving can be for some people, the thought of actually driving a car down the road can be terrifying for others, especially new drivers.
February 23, 2023
Career Expert & Blogger

This phobia related to driving has been named in various ways: hamaxophobia, amaxophobia, motorphobia, or ochlophobia. This phobia occurs from an extreme, persistent fear of driving and losing control on the road. However, the goal is to not live with this year but to overcome it. Here are 6 tips that will help you slowly overcome the fear of driving
How to Overcome Your Fear of Driving
Undergo a Driver's Training Course
One of the primary reasons why people fear driving on the road is because as new drivers they are doubtful of their driving skills. A driver's training course will teach you all the techniques of driving. You will be asked to drive during these courses with a professional driving instructor sitting beside you.
Once you receive driver lessons, you will be much more confident as now you know how to manage traffic and move your cars across the road. You will be prepared for any situation that can arise when you are on the road. A driving instructor can also help calm down the nerves at first.
Have Someone with You
If you feel nervous while driving, it may not be solely caused by the fear of actually driving, rather it can be triggered by the feeling of driving alone. Even if you are fully licensed, you can take short trips with someone you know for the first few days or weeks until the fear of driving is no longer there. This person may not be a licensed driver but someone who will help you stay relaxed when you are driving.
Once you are more comfortable driving, you can start going on short trips just by yourself and then when you are no longer afraid of driving, you can travel anywhere in your car.
Start with Daytime Driving at First
If you are new to driving and you are nervous, or you are an experienced driver who still has a bit of fear, the best idea would be to start with daytime driving. At night, your vision gets restricted and it gets difficult to see other vehicles, people, and animals approaching you.
Once you overcome your fear of driving, you can start driving at night as well.
Stay in Practice
You are most probably well acquainted with the old saying "if you fall off a horse, you should get right back on that horse". This saying holds true for almost everything in life.
Most people are terrified to get back to driving after being in an automobile accident. However, this should not be the case. If you have an up-to-date driver's license you should always practice driving. Emergencies can arise wherein you have to drive somewhere which is why it is essential to not run away from driving but rather improve at it.
If you have been in an accident, don't hesitate to get back to driving. The longer you stay away from it, the more difficult it will be to resolve your fears. If you get right back at driving, you will quickly overcome your fear and get better at it.
Start Loving Highway Driving
Often people are not scared of driving on normal roads, they are terrified of driving on highways. Highway drives can be scary if you are a new driver. However, the best way to start would be to drive on lesser-used highways and highways that are not multi-lane. You can then move on to the busier highways once you are at peace with the quieter ones.
Do Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy requires you to face your anxiety or fear one step at a time. You can sit in your car's driver's seat for a few minutes before you start driving. Don't turn on the engine or have negative thoughts during this time.
Just feel the steering wheel and create positive affirmations in your mind. You can do this daily until you are comfortable with driving. In Exposure therapy, you add complex tasks once you overcome the fear associated with the previous task.
What Causes Fear of Driving?
There are various reasons why people feel nervous or scared when driving. Some of the most common causes are:
- Having panic attacks while driving
- Witnesses other vehicle's tragic accidents
- Had been in a car accident in the past
- Heard about a car accident involving someone close to you
- Lack of trust in your own driving skills
- Getting lost on the road without any access to help
Driving a car should be something you love and not something that gives you anxiety. You can train your mind to stay positive and calm while driving. Use any or all of the above-mentioned tips to overcome your fear of driving. You can also consult your driving instructor to help you with some tips.