plagiarism remover tools
Tips to Prevent Plagiarism

How Students Can Prevent Plagiarism from Their Assignments

Are you always worried about plagiarism while writing homework assignments? If yes, these tried and true ways can help you eliminate this ethical culprit.

April 09, 2024

By CoachingSelect


If you are a student studying at a college or university, the most common thing you are likely to be concerned about must be plagiarism. 
The reason why most learners remain worried is because this ethical culprit can ruin their reputation and cause them face embarrassment in front of teachers.
In some adverse cases, your assignments might get rejected.

Having said that, it is crucial for every student to take precautionary measures and avoid plagiarism at all levels. 

This could be either intentional or unintentional.

In this article, you will explore the best tools and techniques that you can use to avoid plagiarism and make your assignments sound unique or original.

Tips to Prevent Plagiarism from Assignments

Plagiarism can bring a lot of unwanted consequences if left unattended. Here, I will let you know about some of the best practices that you can follow to avoid plagiarism problems.

Use a Plagiarism Removal Tool

One of the most effective ways to get rid of plagiarism is to use a credible plagiarism remover tool. 
It’s a unique, innovative, and AI-powered online platform that takes plagiarized content and instantly transforms it into unique prose within no time.

It does not require much human intervention since the complete tasks work automatically.

Here is how it works:

1.    Once you visit the plagiarism remover online, add your problematic content in the box on the left-hand side. You can either click the upload button or paste your text straightaway.
2.    Click the ‘Remove Plagiarism’ button, and the unique text will appear in the right box.
3.    Quickly proofread to catch any inconsistencies (which are rare to observe) and adjust them. Now, you can export the unique text in any desired format. The tool allows you to export generated results in PDF, Word, and Text formats.

This is a quick and efficient way to make your assignments plagiarism-free even when they are due tomorrow. 

Take advantage of paraphrase tool to save yourself from manually paraphrasing text to achieve uniqueness in assignments.

Properly Cite Sources

Many students don’t know that the inability to cite sources of information and quotes used in assignments can be subject to plagiarism.

Ethically, you are required to cite all external sources that you have extracted data from.

Different educational institutions follow different citation styles. You should be fully aware of what citation styles are followed at your school, college, or university.
Some of the most commonly used ones include Chicago Style, MLA, APA, Turabian, Harvard, and iEEE.

Spend some time to learn these citation styles so that you can make your assignments fully unique. 

Remember, you must double-check that all the sources are cited appropriately before you submit the assignment to your professor.

Understand Your College’s Plagiarism Policy

One of the biggest mistakes most students make is not developing a good understanding of the plagiarism policy followed by their educational institutions. 

Every school, college, and university has a clear policy that states everything clearly about plagiarism.

For instance, a college might allow up to 10% plagiarism or have no grievances against the use of quotes, etc. 

You can avoid accidental infringement by paying great attention to these details. So, take your time and make sure you understand every bit of it before working on assignments.

Focus on Originality

In most cases, unintentional plagiarism makes your assignments sound plagiarized.
This happens when you take assistance from online sources and become too much dependent on them. 

You reword their work instead of adding your personal intellect.

You can avoid both intentional and unintentional plagiarism by focusing on originality. Do not have the fear or adding something wrong. 

Try adding a personal touch to every assignment so that it can differ from the rest of the similar materials already available.

It might take a little bit of practice and time at the beginning, but once you get used to it, you should find it interesting to add in your input. 

Writing original content mitigates chances of plagiarism and similar concerns.

Use Latest Stories and Statistics

One great way to avoid plagiarism in your assignments is to instill the latest relevant stories. Adding the latest happenings ensures that your assignments remain unique. 

This is because those who have written similar assignments in the past must not have included the latest stories that just took place.

Furthermore, you can add relevant statistics and information from high authority sources. This gives another unique perspective to your assignments.

However, make sure to add only relevant stories and stats. Including something irrelevant might cause you to face embarrassment or get negative remarks from teachers.

Run Through Reliable Plagiarism Checkers

You are likely to see more than a few plagiarism checkers in SERPs when you search for a plagiarism checking tool. 

However, never trust all those results with a blind eye. Instead, only opt for the most authoritative ones since they can provide you with true results regardless of your assignment’s subject.

For instance, Turnitin and CopyScape Premium are two leading tools that provide students with the most accurate results. 

They can check your assignment against billions of pages and provide you with highlighted areas marked by plagiarism.

After you know which part of the assignment is plagiarized, try rewording it manually or through a trustworthy paraphrase tool if you want to save time.

Never submit an assignment without checking through a reliable plagiarism checking tool.

Develop Strong Research and Writing Skills

One of the most common reasons why students end up facing plagiarism is because they don’t possess strong research and writing skills. 
They try rewording work of others and that’s how they are fall pretty to stealing of information.

You can avoid this situation by developing strong research and writing skills. Eventually, this will help you throughout your academic journey at school, college, and university.

Good research, paraphrasing, note-taking, and citation habits can minimize the risk of plagiarism down the road.
It could be slightly challenging at the beginning but it should come in handy as you move forward.
Ask Your Tutor for Help

Are you feeling stuck? Reach out to your professors for help since they are always willing to extend a helping hand.
Make sure to get clarification on different contexts regarding plagiarism. It is better to get your doubts cleared rather than continuing with the assignment vaguely.


Plagiarism is a big concern for students studying at schools, colleges, and universities. It can ruin their reputation and cause their assignments to be rejected. 

That’s why it is crucial to follow the best practices to ensure the complete uniqueness of your work.

The suggestions discussed above can help you stay away from this ethical culprit.
Using reliable plagiarism remover tools, citing sources appropriately, understanding your educational institution’s plagiarism policy, focusing on the originality of work, including the latest stories and information, and checking your work through a reliable plagiarism checker can work well to make your assignments plagiarism-free.

Try following these suggestions to stay away from plagiarism throughout your academic journey.


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