If you struggle with writing an impactful and effective essay, then this blog is a perfect guide to lead your way!
May 21, 2022

Main stages of writing and effective essay:
- Preparation:
- Decide topic,
- research, and
- essay outline
- Writing:
- Start with introduction,
- Write main body backed by evidence and,
- a conclusion
- Reviewing:
- Review the content, grammar, spelling, vocabulary,
- and formatting of your essay
Write an Impactful Introduction :
The first paragraph of the essay holds great significance. You need to pay special attention to the introductory paragraph of your essay. The introduction sets the tone for your essay and comprises 10% – 20% of your text.
- The first line of the paragraph should be able to capture the attention of the examiner in the first reading. It is always a good idea to start your essay with a quote or anecdote. Also, make sure that it is relevant to the topic. The first sentence of the introduction should pique your reader’s interest and curiosity.
- Goal of Introduction: The basic goal of an introductory paragraph is to clarify the purpose of essay to the reader.
- the central picture of the topic: It is important to give context that will help your reader understand your argument by citing the concise background.
- Thesis statement: It creates the central argument you’re going to make. It provides focus and signals your position on the topic.
- Preview: You can end it by describing what will be covered in each part of the essay.
Logical part of essay: The Main Body
This part consists of multiple paragraphs that connect in a logical order. Body paragraphs aim to justify your stance in the essay. Special care should be taken to assure that one paragraph follows the other in a proper order. It contains the primary message of the writer.
The purpose of the main body:
- to present,
- interpret and
- analyze the information and,
- analyse the sources you have gathered to support your argument.
Length of Main Body: The length of the body depends on the type of essay and it comprises 60% – 80% of the text.
Formation of Paragraphs: To give your essay a clear picture, it is important to organize it into paragraphs. Each paragraph should be centered around one main point or idea.
- Organize and develop the various aspects and points of the essay in a logical sequence.
- State the most valuable and impactful point just after the introductory paragraph.
- You can make use of appropriate illustrations and facts to support your ideas and opinion.
- Try to form paragraphs of same length.
- Make sure that you do not deviate from the central idea and theme of the topic.
Final Perspectives : The Conclusion
The conclusion is the sum-up of all the points that you elaborate in the main body of the essay. It is not just a summary of your ideas but also reflects your final perspective on the given topic. It comprises no more than 10% – 15% of the text. A strong essay conclusion should:
- Summarise your Whole Idea / Thesis,
- Combine together with your main points
- State why your argument matters with suggestions if any,
- You can give suggestions, state limitations and scope of your approach in the concluding paragraph.
- A solution-oriented conclusion always makes a good impression.
- It is recommended that you end your essay on a positive note.
The most common mistakes to avoid in essay writing are:
- Developing some new arguments or evidence
- Undermining your arguments
- Using concluding phrases like, “To sum up” or “In conclusion”
Drafting the essay:
The first step is to read the topic well and note down the ideas that come to your mind. The next step is to brainstorm and generate ideas for the given topic. The best way is to jot down the main points and short keywords. Evaluate the topic on the basis of following aspects:
- What, when, why, how, where, who etc.
- Cause and consequences
- Social, cultural, political, economical etc.
- Instances, examples, illustrations, analogies etc.
- Quotes, proverbs, sayings.
An effective title for an Impactful Essay:
Main attraction of the essay is its title , it should have the spark to catch the reader eye.
- The title of the essay should reflect the essence and content of the essay.
- You can also use a quote or phrase to name your essay.
- It should not be more than 7-8 words.
- In case you are unable to think of a suitable title, do it after writing the essay.