Content Guidelines at CoachingSelect
Blogging, like anything else in life, is What you do after you create your content is what truly matters.
August 20, 2021
Career Expert & Blogger

As a web content company, CoachingSelect owe a lot to content contributors. Collectively as a community we have tons of content, and no one person can do it all. Hence, we encourage and welcome content contributors to write for the site (supported, of course, by our thorough editorial process),
Here are some web writing guidelines for our guest contributors.
Keep your audience in mind
Consider who will be reading and using your web content. Prospective students, current students, alumni, faculty, staff? What are they looking for, and what do they need? Be sure the tone, language and organization of content is appropriate for your audience.
Write meaningful headers
Readers rely on headers to navigate on-page content. Choose words for headers(H1) and sub headers(H2) that clearly describe the content they introduce. Boring, useful words are better than clever, obtuse words.
Blog word Count
We have seen numerous recommended words counts but have found a 750-1200-word limit to be a practical and effective number in most cases. Web writing should be clear and direct. Keep sentences short. Remove words or descriptions that do not add value to the content.
Upload Blog Banner
Provide high-resolution .jpg, .jpeg, .png format image along with your article. Cover image must be at least 1280x720 px in dimensions. Please Use Images should be royalty-free and not watermarked.
Make content scannable
Readers scan web pages before they read. If they do not recognize useful, relevant content, they often move on. Elements that enhance scanning include headers, links, highlighted text, bulleted lists, graphics, captions, and pull-quotes.
Use bulleted lists whenever possible
Bulleted lists are easier to scan and read than full paragraphs. If you are listing three or more items, consider using a bulleted list. For instructions or long lists like this one, consider using numbered lists for easy reference.
Use active voice
Writing in the active voice is more clear, conversational, and engaging than the passive voice. Just ask Strunk and White: "The active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive."
Use common language
It’s essential for findability and SEO (search engine optimization) to use the same words and phrases your readers do. When creating page titles, headers, list items and links, choose keywords carefully. Additionally, be sure to use keywords consistently when creating web content. One effective strategy is to buy niche edits, which allows you to place relevant links within existing high-quality content, boosting keyword relevancy and improving search rankings. When used appropriately, this practice reinforces keyword relevance for search engines like Google and your own internal search, thereby improving findability.
Be professional and human
Think like a publisher and less like a marketer. Use a more conversational tone. Avoid jargon and buzzwords like "cutting-edge" or "leverage." Users are turned off by content that talks at them instead of with them. Consider how you would communicate with someone standing in front of you instead of via a traditional TV or radio advertisement.
Include valuable links
If additional useful, relevant and appropriate content exists elsewhere-on or off your website-link to it. Instead of repeating information that already exists on your site, link to this content as well. Consider what content elsewhere might add value to yours and improve usability. When possible, include links within your page copy to make them contextually relevant.
If your Blog content matches above guidelines please mail us your content/article & Images at also help with your profile picture (200x200 px in dimensions) which you want to display and short description about yourself as We give a brief 'About the Author' at the profile section of writer of each Blog (without links). Content copyrights belong to us.
So, hurry! and send your blog, we'll help you move ahead & publish your blog at CoachingSelect.