Benefits of Industrial Training Institute
Industrial training has lot to serve to the students who are ongoing with last semester of the degree or have already pursued their education. Here’s the deep insight on ITI!
December 22, 2021

Career Expert & Blogger

All of you are familiar with the term “Industrial Training”. It is an organized method or activity of enhancing and improving the skill set and knowledge of engineering students which boosts their performance and consequently helps them to meet their career objectives. Industrial training is crucial for students because it is the best way to acquire as much mastery about their field as possible which helps in building the confidence of the students. Training helps learners to acquire the latest techniques, skills, and methodologies and to build a strong foundation for their career growth. In a nutshell, we can say that it helps in boosting the career of students, since by the end of this training; students are turned into professionals in their specialized area.
Objective of Industrial Training
Industrial Training is imparted with the following objective in mind-
To provide a comprehensive learning platform to students where they can enhance their employability skills and become job ready along with real corporate exposure.
To enhance students’ knowledge of one particular technology.
To Increase the self-confidence of students and helps in finding their own proficiency
To cultivate students’ leadership ability and responsibility to perform or execute the given task.
To provide learners with hands-on practice within a real job situation.
Industrial Training Institutes provide training in new and latest and emerging technologies with a combination of theory as well as practical classes. The objective of their training program is to enhance the knowledge of the students on any one of the Trending technology according to the industry standards without which the student degree is a mere degree. This is done by making students work on live projects which equip them with the required skill needed for the corporate world.
The main reason students need to do Industrial Training (IT)
The main reason students need to do Industrial Training (IT) is so they are well prepared for a graduate job in their chosen field. It is a chance for you to put what you have learned at university to work in the kind of real-life situations you will come up against when you start your career. Industrial training gives you great experience during your Bachelor's degree including:
First-hand experience working as a professional,
Apply your technical knowledge to real-life situations,
Work with other professionals,
Experience what it’s like to work in a professional organisation,
Increase your technical, interpersonal, and communication skills, both oral and written,
Observe interactions of engineers with other professional groups,
Witness the functioning and organization of the business.
Importance of Industrial Training for Engineering Students
The following points will make it absolutely clear as to what is the importance of industrial training for engineering students.
Although you may think that you are ready for your job, but you are not ready for getting employed in the corporate sector as a true engineer until you have thorough learning skills on how to work in a corporate environment. In industrial training, you will get a platform where you can learn the vital skills required for an employee to shine in the corporate market. You will be trained to work confidently in the corporate sector.
A student who gets industrial training will be able to hone skills and gain knowledge in his or her technology field.
This training will help students boost their confidence and enhance their capabilities.
Industrial training will help students acquire leadership skills and will make them responsible people. Dedication and leadership skills will help students carry out any tasks given to them successfully.
The industrial training will help the learners or aspirants gain practical knowledge on how to tackle a job in the corporate office in real.
The benefits of industrial training for students of every career background
Industrial training has a lot to serve the students who are ongoing with the last semester of the degree or have already pursued their education. During their training process, they get a chance to work with the leading industries and get a chance to explore more knowledge.
Industrial training has to be taken by the student during the ongoing study in order to get the degree. The training duration depends on the course of the degree you are pursuing. It may vary from-
3-4 week training
3months training
6 months training
Or it may be 1-2 months crash course training
However, industrial training is more beneficial to students who are pursuing their technical degrees like MCA, BTECH, BSC (IT), MSC (IT), ETC. 6 months of training is essential for students from this area apart from the theoretical study. Students have full liberty to choose the relevant field in which they want to make their career in. Students get to work on the Live Projects during the ongoing process of training.
By the end of the training process, students are turned into professionals in their field area. Now he can work around people and tackle any kind of problems and can handle them efficiently.
Some of the benefits of having industrial training from Professionals-
Students should seek some knowledge from their mentors before choosing any kind of training program because teachers can fully guide them. This will help the students to attain their desired goals and help them in getting placed.
Industrial training and internship
Industrial training and internship are two closely related activities that some technical students and students having a particular project related to a field in the industry are offered. Internships carry some stipend but normally industrial training is a regular feature in the curriculum of a course.
For example, PTCL received a few students on internship offering them a few bucks and attaching them to an office within exchange premises for a certain duration say 12 weeks or so.
Industrial attachments are without stipend and may receive training according to programs approved by their respective institutions.
Outcomes and Conclusion of Industrial Training
Capability to acquire and apply fundamental principles of engineering.
Become a master in one’s specialized technology
Become updated with all the latest changes in the technological world.
Ability to communicate efficiently.
The knack to be a multi-skilled engineer with good technical knowledge, management, leadership, and entrepreneurship skills.
Ability to identify, formulate, and model problems and find engineering solutions based on a systems approach.
Capability and enthusiasm for self-improvement through continuous professional development and life-long learning
Awareness of the social, cultural, global and, environmental responsibility as an engineer.