A to Z of Term 1 CBSE 10 and 12
An Exclusive article on Shift from rote to Competency-based Learning. With exams around the corner, tension creeps into every home having a child appearing for a big test for the very first time.
October 18, 2021

- The syllabus for the Academic session 2021-22 will be divided into two terms.
- Term I exams will have a “flexible schedule” with a “window period of 4-8 weeks for schools situated in different parts of the country and abroad”.
- The question paper will have multiple choice questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs and MCQs on assertion-reasoning type.
- Duration of the test will be 90 minutes and it will cover only the rationalized syllabus of Term I only (i.e., approx. 50% of the entire syllabus).
Paper Pattern
Every paper has different number of questions, but the pattern remains same i.e., MCQ. For instance, in Maths:
- The question paper will contain 50 questions divided into three sections A, B and C.
- Section A will consist of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Students will be required to attempt any 16 questions.
- Section B will consist of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Students will be required to attempt any 16 questions.
- Section C will consist of 10 questions based on two Case Studies. Students will be required to attempt any 8 questions.
- All questions will carry equal weightage.
Challenge students may face with Shift from rote to Competency-Based exam
- Due to the closure of schools, the students were not able to do lab works, for example the experiments based on electricity and optics. These learning gaps may continue, and it will be the responsibility of colleges to bridge these gaps.
- Adolescent students have a natural requirement to connect with peers and formulate their own opinions. The lockdown seriously impacted this experiential learning, as students got confined to their homes and limited their interactions.
- Before the Exam:
Assuming that you have thoroughly learnt all the concepts
- Your exam rules might include:
- Be thorough with the Course Structure
- Be familiar with the Question Paper Pattern
- Try solving questions of all types
- Set goals which are time bound and achievable
- Practice is the key
- Remember you are competing only with yourself.
Score-boosting tips & tricks
- On the Day of the Exam:
Assuming that you have thoroughly learnt all the concepts
- Reading Time: 15 mins to 20 mins
- Should be used only to read the entire question paper at least three times.
- Do not become nervous if you don’t know the answer to any question.
- When in doubt about the correct answer, use techniques such as elimination, partial matching etc.,
- Have faith in yourself.
- Be focused and avoid distractions.
- Remember, Exam is only one part of your life and not the end in itself.
Weightage for CBSE Term I & II
- Students will have to study 50-50 percent syllabus for both terms.
- Unlike the previous years, there will be no annual exam or the year-end exam.
- The current assessment scheme is similar to the semester-based system.
- Results of both exams will contribute to the final score of a student.
- Marks of Internal Assessment will be considered for calculating the overall scores in the similar manner as was done in the previous years.
- If both the Term I & II will hold as per the scheduled, then the weightage would be 40:60 otherwise it will depend on the covid situation and conduction of Term I & II.
- CBSE Board Exam 2022 Term 1 would be held in offline mode and evaluation would be done on same day.
- Term 1 papers are scheduled school/region based but set by board and Term II will be same for all.
- The CBSE Class 10 Maths Basic and Standard papers will remain the same.
- Paper pattern:
- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Case-based
- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Assertion-Reasoning
- Duration: 90 minutes paper
- Marks: 40 + 10 (Internal marks) = 50 {e.g.: Maths}
- Responses to be captured on OMR sheets